Mission & Vision

The Well is a place where it's okay not to be okay. You can come with your hurts, habits, and hang ups & you will find a family here. No matter where you are in life you are welcome at The Well Community Church. We exist to help people know God, find freedom, discover purpose and make a difference.

Lost People Saved

At The Well we exist to help others experience Jesus  through our efforts of evangelism.  Evangelism is key to reaching people who may not know God, skeptical of God or have fallen away from God.

Saved People Pastored

At The Well our vision is to empower followers of Jesus to find freedom. Tribes are our version of small groups where you can find freedom through doing life in the context of community.

Pastored People Discipled

At The Well we believe all people have a purpose from God. Join our Growth Track and take the next step of discovering your purpose.

Discipled People Mobilized

At The Well, we believe that you can use your gift to make a difference in other people's lives.

We believe the mobilized church is the hope of the world.

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